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Alex (Cocky Cage Fighters, Book 9)

Alex (Cocky Cage Fighters, Book 9)

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I’m not saying Whitney Merchant’s a gold digger, but she isn't messing with any broke fighters.
And I’m dirt poor, only a few dollars to my name. At least for now.
The spoiled rich girl claims she’s allergic to broke boys who lack the motivation to be successful in life. She thinks I’m a slacker, with no goals or ambition. That was true until we met.
Now, I know what I want, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe, even if it means losing everything I stood to gain, including her.

Main Tropes

  • Possessive Hero
  • Instalove
  • Secret Identity


I’m not saying Whitney Merchant’s a gold digger, but she isn't messing with any broke fighters.

And I’m dirt poor, only a few dollars to my name. At least for now.

With no education or skills other than being a halfway decent cage fighter, I’ll wash dishes or wait tables if I have to. Anything to make it six more months to my big fat pay day. That’s all the time I have left to convince Whitney that the two of us belong together before she finds out how much I’m worth.

The spoiled rich girl claims she’s allergic to broke boys who lack the motivation to be successful in life. She thinks I’m a slacker, with no goals or ambition. That was true until we met.

Now, I know what I want, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe, even if it means losing everything I stood to gain, including her.



After parking in the Havoc’s full lot, I strut through the door in my “slutty dress”, as my mother referred to it. 
Just inside, I lift my sunglasses up to the top of my head, so I can start canvassing the place. God, there are so many half-naked gorgeous men wandering around it’s ridiculous.

The problem is that most are married or taken, and I have no idea who is available.

“What are you doing here, sis-in-law?” Senn, my sister Abby’s Hodor-sized husband, asks when he walks up using a towel to wipe the sweat dripping off his face. 

“I finally broke up with Ryan, a man who couldn’t find my clit if it was glowing in the dark,” I supply with the tiny white lie as I hop up on top of the front desk, leaving my crossed legs dangling over the edge to take in all the yumminess. “You can lead a man to your pussy, but you can’t make him eat. Now I seriously need to get laid.” Even more so if my mom is already trying to set me up with a douche again.

“Wow,” Senn says followed by a chuckle. “I’m not sure whose mouth is worse, yours or your sister’s.” 

“Oh, my mouth is definitely better,” I tell him with a wink.

“Anyway,” my brother-in-law drawls. “That still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”

“Well, that’s easy,” I reply. “This place is always full of hot, buff guys. Point me to a single one familiar with the female anatomy, and we’ll be on our way.”

“Ha! I am not gonna help you pick some…some one-night stand. Abby would kick my ass.” 

“Fine,” I huff. 
Leaning backward so that I can reach behind the counter, I grab the gym’s phone off the base and then press the intercom button, all with my ass still in the air. Holding the receiver to my mouth, I say, “Attention single men of Havoc. If you like pina coladas and want to get laid tonight, please report to the front desk for further examination.”

“Oh, dear God,” Senn mutters from behind me as I hang up the receiver. 
Once that’s taken care of, I jump down from the counter to see if I have any takers making their way to the front. I’m surprised when I look up and see three sweaty, out of breath, shirtless guys already lined up before me in a perfect row like good little soldiers. 
“I do not approve of this, and your sister wouldn’t either,” Senn tells me with his meaty arms crossed over his chest.

“Yeah, well, anyone who has gotten off in the last year doesn’t get to have an opinion on this,” I tell him. “Now, who do we have here?” I ask as I walk up to the first gentleman. When I’m standing next to He-Man, though, I actually have to crane my neck to a painful point just to see his face. “Sorry, but you’re too big. You might very well hurt me, and not in a good way,” I tell him with a pat to his rock-hard stomach before proceeding to the next candidate. 

The second guy is, unfortunately, eye-level with me, and I’m only five-two without heels! “Sorry, shorty, but you’re too small. I would probably injure you,” I tell him in all seriousness, causing him to curse before wandering off with his head hanging.

Three more clicks of my heels and I’m standing before a tall, yet not gigantic guy with smooth, defined muscles. His thick, rich, chocolate-colored hair nearly falling into his silvery green eyes is quite the contrast to his flawless ivory skin. And the glint in those eyes seems intelligent yet…a little naughty. 
“You…you may be just right,” I tell him as I run a French manicured fingernail down the center of his damp six-pack. “Tell me, handsome, are you a grower or a shower?” 

Grinning adorably from ear to ear, he says, “For you, I could be both.”

“Oooh, very nice,” I tell him as I eye the front of his black nylon shorts. There’s enough bulge to convince me he’s packing plenty of dick to hit all the right spots. “I think you’ll do just fine.”

“Why haven’t I met you before?” the pale hottie asks me. 
“Because I’ve been suffering through a horrible, lustless relationship. But that’s over now,” I answer honestly. 

“His loss, but good for me, I guess.”

“Did I mention that I have a year of unfulfilling sex to make up for?” I ask. 

“That sort of pressure might scare away most men; but since I’m coming off a six-month drought, I’m pretty sure I can handle it.”

Hot and he claims he hasn’t been sleeping around recently? Hell yeah. 
“Sweet. Your ride or mine, tiger?” I ask him breathlessly, already tingling in all the right places just looking at him.

“Guess that will have to be yours since I don’t have one, currently,” he replies with a hint of pink coloring his cheeks. 

“Oh fuck,” I grumble as my hormones quickly deflate. “I’m allergic to broke boys who lack the motivation to be successful in life, so lie and tell me you’re just one of those Greenpeace freaks, even if it’s not true.” 

“I am so fucking Green –” he starts, clearly fibbing before I silence him by putting a finger up to his lips.

“Yeah, don’t talk. Just stand there and look pretty.”

“Are all southern girls like you?” he asks, his lips wetting the skin of my finger until I remove it because it has me thinking of other damp places.

“I’m pretty sure you’re the first unmarried woman that’s talked to me in this town.”

“Ha! The girls around here wish they were as awesome as me,” I tell him. “Now, can we have a little less conversation and a lot more action?” 

“Hell yes,” he answers with an enthusiastic nod. 

Spinning on my heels, I start toward the door and wiggle my fingers in the air to say goodbye to Senn on the way out. He’s already on his cell phone, most likely reporting me to my sister. But I’m a grown woman, dammit, not some innocent little girl. If I want to hook up with a stranger for once in my life, well, that’s what I’m gonna do.

“So, can I ask your name, or do you prefer to keep this anonymous?” the Hercules version of Powder asks from behind me. 

“Whitney,” I say over my shoulder.

“Whitney. Got it,” he says.

“Mine’s Alex, if you’re interested.

“Sure,” I repeat. “Now hop in, Powder.”

“Powder?” he pauses to ask when he’s next to the passenger door.

Then, before I can explain, he barks out a laugh. “The albino guy in that old nineties movie?”

“Right,” I say when I unlock the car doors with my key fob. I climb in the driver seat while Alex folds himself into the passenger side of my Audi. That’s when I glance over and realize he’s still only wearing shorts and shoes, no shirt. Guess the fewer clothes to remove is better.

“So here are the rules,” I begin when I start the car. “We do this how I want until I can’t walk, and then in the morning we say goodbye, go our separate ways, and you keep your mouth shut unless it’s to tell your friends how amazing I am in bed, got it?”

“I think I can handle that,” he replies.

“Oh, and in the interest of saving time, my place is only three miles that way,” he adds, pointing to the right.

“Well, aren’t you convenient,” I tell him. “Do you have condoms?”

“Ah, I’m not really sure...”

“Yes or no, dude? I don’t want to have to put on the brakes when we’re all hot and naked.”

“Shit,” he groans, squirming in the leather seat. “We better stop at the store.”

“Fine,” I agree. What are a few minutes delay to make sure we’re safe? Even if I don’t have to worry about getting knocked up, I’m not stupid enough to go bareback with a guy I just picked up in a gym.

“And, um, I left my wallet back in the locker room,” Powder tells me when I put on my signal to turn into the nearest pharmacy.

“You’re killing my libido, Smalls,” I tell him, paraphrasing from The Sandlot, one of my favorite movies.

“Sorry. It’s just that this was all unexpected and I didn’t want to make you wait while I grabbed my things…”

“I sure hope your mouth knows how to do more than talk,” I interrupt him.

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